Leaders Who Desire God's Wisdom

When God asked Solomon what he wanted God to give him, he wisely asked for understanding and wisdom to rule God's people. He became famous for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba came to hear him for herself, and when we was ready to leave, she said that his wisdom was much greater than she had been told. After that, other kings all around the world came to hear the wisdom that God had put into Solomon's heart. (II Chronicles 9:25) Oh, to have leaders today, who would seek God's wisdom and follow it.

The world has changed much since Solomon's day. Then, leaders were attracted to a wise man who believed in God, and let everyone know that God had given him His wisdom. Now, leaders reject people who have God's wisdom, and they look down on any people or any other leaders who hold to God's wisdom. That is the basic problem in our world today. God designed the world and the people who live here. He is the only One who really knows how everything works and how people are supposed to function. When we reject God's wisdom, we miss God's design. The world and people cannot work well and be fulfilled except by following God's design for all things. I pray that we will have a great awakening in which our leaders will seek God's wisdom and the people will desire leaders who have God's wisdom.

Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 10-12.

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