You Shall Not Pervert Justice
There has been a lot in the news lately about choosing a new Supreme Court Justice. People realize the importance of judges, and they see the problems that are caused when justice is perverted. God gave instructions to His people concerning judges and justice. (Deuteronomy 16:18,19) It would do us all well to consider what God said about this.
The goal should be to appoint judges who will judge with "just judgement." Those two words may seem to be redundant, but they are not. It is possible to judge with unjust judgement. That happens when the ruling is not according to the law. This is especially true for God's law, because His laws are always just. Today, it is up to our judges to rightly interpret the laws of the land, and that is just judgement.
In some cases justice is perverted. In other words, instead of following the just way of doing something, the ruling changes the law in the wrong way, so that the meaning is opposite of what was intended. This changing of the law by perverting justice if very serious, because then people lose the sense of what is right or wrong.
Also, when judges show partiality to a person or a group, justice is not done. God hates partiality, and we see that throughout the Bible. Also, if the judge takes bribes, it causes him to give preference to the person giving the bribe or the cause they are advocating. That is why bribes are so dangerous.
I pray that our country would see the importance of having just judgement given from diligent judges who will uphold the law and not change it for any reason.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 17-19.
The goal should be to appoint judges who will judge with "just judgement." Those two words may seem to be redundant, but they are not. It is possible to judge with unjust judgement. That happens when the ruling is not according to the law. This is especially true for God's law, because His laws are always just. Today, it is up to our judges to rightly interpret the laws of the land, and that is just judgement.
In some cases justice is perverted. In other words, instead of following the just way of doing something, the ruling changes the law in the wrong way, so that the meaning is opposite of what was intended. This changing of the law by perverting justice if very serious, because then people lose the sense of what is right or wrong.
Also, when judges show partiality to a person or a group, justice is not done. God hates partiality, and we see that throughout the Bible. Also, if the judge takes bribes, it causes him to give preference to the person giving the bribe or the cause they are advocating. That is why bribes are so dangerous.
I pray that our country would see the importance of having just judgement given from diligent judges who will uphold the law and not change it for any reason.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 17-19.