The Gospel of Christ
There is good news for every person in the world. Jesus Christ is the Lord of all, who came down to earth as the incarnated God, so that He could die for the sins of the world, and rise again to show He won the victory over sin, death, and Satan. God has declared that everyone who trusts in Christ, as Lord and Savior, will have eternal salvation. Paul was not ashamed of that good news, and neither should we be ashamed of the gospel. (Romans 1:16) What glorious good news!
Think about the good news of Jesus Christ. He paid all of our debt for us. He made the atonement for our sins and took God's punishment that we deserved. Then in turn, God gives salvation as a free gift to anyone who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us. This opens salvation to every person who is born into this world. It is the perfect way for the perfect God to provide for us what we could not do for ourselves. Let's never be ashamed, and let's always proclaim this power of God to salvation to all people.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 2-4.
Think about the good news of Jesus Christ. He paid all of our debt for us. He made the atonement for our sins and took God's punishment that we deserved. Then in turn, God gives salvation as a free gift to anyone who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us. This opens salvation to every person who is born into this world. It is the perfect way for the perfect God to provide for us what we could not do for ourselves. Let's never be ashamed, and let's always proclaim this power of God to salvation to all people.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 2-4.