The Lesson of the Two Mites
Jesus taught His disciples and us a lesson when they were sitting by the offering box at the Temple. He saw a poor widow put in two mites, which were worth about a half of one cent. All around there were rich people giving their offerings which were much larger. However, Jesus told His disciples the widow had given more than all of the rich people. (Luke 21:3,4) How could that be true? We all need to learn this lesson.
Jesus told His disciples that the poor widow had put in all of her livelihood. The rich people had only given a small fraction of their livelihood. The woman gave 100%, while the others gave maybe 10%. Therefore, on a percentage basis the poor widow gave much more than the others. Jesus was teaching us that the Lord looks at the percentage of what we give to Him.
It is easy to see that it takes more faith to give all than just some of what we have to live on. It also shows us that Jesus values our willingness to give sacrificially out of faith and love for Him. Giving is about worshiping God. It is about trusting God to provide what we need. It is not about giving some just to be able to say that we gave. If we give an amount that does not require us to trust the Lord that does not show any faith. If we try to worship God in a way that costs us nothing, that does not show Him much love.
I hope you will meditate on this lesson and ask God to show you what Jesus was teaching His disciples and us. It will bring rich blessings into your life when you trust the lord and love Him greatly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 22-24 and John 1.