Talking with God
Besides salvation from sins, what could be more important than talking with the ruler of the universe? Of course, talking with God is vital to salvation, also. Therefore, we need to think about our talks with God. Moses talked with God, and the Lord spoke with Moses, as a man speaks to His friend.(Exodus 33:9,11) I believe that is God's desire for each of us.
First, we have to know the Lord by repenting of our sins, and trusting Christ as Lord and Savior. It is impossible to have a friendship relationship with God, until we acknowledge Him as Lord of all. However, once we do that, we have to be the kind of person God wants to have as a friend. Think about yourself. We all have people with whom we like to hang out and converse with. Those are the people on the same wave length as us about life. God is the same way. He is looking for people who are comfortable with Him and what He stands for. Then, He longs to spend time with us and to speak with us as friends.
If there is one problem that holds Christians back in their every day lives, it is a failure to talk with God on an intimate level. If we do not hear Him speaking with us, we can't know exactly what we should do more than simply following His Word. Isn't that what Jesus meant in John 15:15?, "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you." I pray that each of us would experience what Moses experienced, and know life to the fullest.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-36.
First, we have to know the Lord by repenting of our sins, and trusting Christ as Lord and Savior. It is impossible to have a friendship relationship with God, until we acknowledge Him as Lord of all. However, once we do that, we have to be the kind of person God wants to have as a friend. Think about yourself. We all have people with whom we like to hang out and converse with. Those are the people on the same wave length as us about life. God is the same way. He is looking for people who are comfortable with Him and what He stands for. Then, He longs to spend time with us and to speak with us as friends.
If there is one problem that holds Christians back in their every day lives, it is a failure to talk with God on an intimate level. If we do not hear Him speaking with us, we can't know exactly what we should do more than simply following His Word. Isn't that what Jesus meant in John 15:15?, "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you." I pray that each of us would experience what Moses experienced, and know life to the fullest.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 34-36.