Marching To Zion
One of these days I am going to visit Israel. I know many of you have been there. I have heard the stories, but I have nor personally experienced the Holy Land and Jerusalem. I do not know if I will get there by an airplane during this life, but I know I will get there, and what a glorious trip it will be.(Isaiah 35:10) Let me explain what I mean.
One day the "ransomed of the Lord" shall return to the earth and go to Zion or Jerusalem with singing. We shall be singing because we will be with our Lord Jesus Christ, as He returns to reign from Zion for 1,000 years. The Bible assures us that we, the ones bought by His blood, will reign with Him. On that day we will march to Zion, as a great throng filled with everlasting joy and gladness. We will sing the songs of the Lord together, even though we will be from every tribe, tongue, and people group. It will be glorious. There will be no sorrow or sighing in that Millennial kingdom, because we will be so happy to be with Jesus in Jerusalem.
See what I mean? Even if I do get to go to Israel before I go to be with the Lord, I am going back with all of the redeemed. We will have been through the Marriage Feast of the Lamb and the Mercy Seat Judgment time for all of us, as believers. Then, Jesus will mount that white horse and ride ahead of us, His great army, as we come through the clouds. We will see Jesus put an end to the battle of Armageddon before it really starts, using the Sword of His mouth. We will see His foot touch down on the Mount of Olives from which He ascended bodily to heaven 40 days after His resurrection. We will feel the earthquake as a huge crack splits the ground. Then, we will march up to Zion behind Him, as He enters the eastern gate of that city. I pray that you have been ransomed by the blood of the Lamb, and that you will be with us in that great processional.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 36-39.
One day the "ransomed of the Lord" shall return to the earth and go to Zion or Jerusalem with singing. We shall be singing because we will be with our Lord Jesus Christ, as He returns to reign from Zion for 1,000 years. The Bible assures us that we, the ones bought by His blood, will reign with Him. On that day we will march to Zion, as a great throng filled with everlasting joy and gladness. We will sing the songs of the Lord together, even though we will be from every tribe, tongue, and people group. It will be glorious. There will be no sorrow or sighing in that Millennial kingdom, because we will be so happy to be with Jesus in Jerusalem.
See what I mean? Even if I do get to go to Israel before I go to be with the Lord, I am going back with all of the redeemed. We will have been through the Marriage Feast of the Lamb and the Mercy Seat Judgment time for all of us, as believers. Then, Jesus will mount that white horse and ride ahead of us, His great army, as we come through the clouds. We will see Jesus put an end to the battle of Armageddon before it really starts, using the Sword of His mouth. We will see His foot touch down on the Mount of Olives from which He ascended bodily to heaven 40 days after His resurrection. We will feel the earthquake as a huge crack splits the ground. Then, we will march up to Zion behind Him, as He enters the eastern gate of that city. I pray that you have been ransomed by the blood of the Lamb, and that you will be with us in that great processional.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 36-39.