God's Protection Removed
Judah was in serious trouble. God removed His protection, so their enemies were free to attack them and to take them into exile in Babylon.(Isaiah 22:8,11) The reaction of the people was entirely wrong. They did not call out to God for His mercy and the restoration of His protection. They devised a scheme to try to protect themselves, which was futile. Then, they just partied, because they thought, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Sound familiar.
America is in serious trouble. I believe that God has removed His protection from our country. We have enemies all around the globe who are planning attacks on us, and they would love to bring us down one way or another. We should be turning to God who was the One who established our country long ago, but for the most part, people are just concerned about having fun. They figure they can't do anything, so why try. We will suffer a similar fate to Judah, if we don't turn to the Lord soon, and cry to Him for His mercy and protection.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 24-26.
America is in serious trouble. I believe that God has removed His protection from our country. We have enemies all around the globe who are planning attacks on us, and they would love to bring us down one way or another. We should be turning to God who was the One who established our country long ago, but for the most part, people are just concerned about having fun. They figure they can't do anything, so why try. We will suffer a similar fate to Judah, if we don't turn to the Lord soon, and cry to Him for His mercy and protection.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 24-26.