The Shout of Fools
Most people listen more to the shout of a ruler of fools than to the quiet words spoken by the wise.(Ecclesiastes 9:7) This is the problem of our society in America and even around the world. The foolish people and those who rule them have a loud microphone and a huge media to spread their foolishness, while the church and the wise people of this world are relegated to quietly sharing wisdom. In order to hear the wisdom of the Lord, we have to decide to stop listening to the roar, and focus on the quiet voices of life.
I find this insight of Solomon so profound and relevant for our world 4,000 years after he lived. It shows his wisdom, and it shows the inspiration of the Spirit for the Word of God we have before us. Solomon knew that rulers of fools use the strategy of shouting their lies loudly and for a long period of time with the belief that a lie shared loud enough and long enough will eventually be accepted as truth. That happens around us every day. That is why most people reject God's Word and follow foolish beliefs that are easily seen to be false, if anyone will simply stop to consider them seriously.
Remember, God doesn't shout very often, but He speaks in a still, small voice, while His Spirit consistently shares the truth and draws us to listen to it. Remember, that in our society, every effort is made to silence or lessen the messages that bring us wisdom. Train yourself to listen for the quiet voice of God and the quiet voices of wise people, so you can know the truth and live by it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 10-12 and Song of Solomon 1.
I find this insight of Solomon so profound and relevant for our world 4,000 years after he lived. It shows his wisdom, and it shows the inspiration of the Spirit for the Word of God we have before us. Solomon knew that rulers of fools use the strategy of shouting their lies loudly and for a long period of time with the belief that a lie shared loud enough and long enough will eventually be accepted as truth. That happens around us every day. That is why most people reject God's Word and follow foolish beliefs that are easily seen to be false, if anyone will simply stop to consider them seriously.
Remember, God doesn't shout very often, but He speaks in a still, small voice, while His Spirit consistently shares the truth and draws us to listen to it. Remember, that in our society, every effort is made to silence or lessen the messages that bring us wisdom. Train yourself to listen for the quiet voice of God and the quiet voices of wise people, so you can know the truth and live by it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 10-12 and Song of Solomon 1.