God's Ax or Saw

We need to have the right perspective on doing God's work. We do not do the work "for" Him. He does it by using us. He works through us in His power. Without Him using us, we could do nothing.(Isaiah 10:15) We are simply like an ax or a saw in the hand of God. He gives the power and direction. Otherwise, we could not pick ourselves up to accomplish anything.

This understanding eliminates pride, and it causes us to trust Him totally. It also should give us great encouragement that whatever He calls us to do is possible, because He will take us up in His powerful right hand to use us for His glory. However, if we fail to have this outlook on serving the Lord, we can mess up a lot of things. We can think that it is about us and our abilities, so that we have to dream up a vision of what we want, and then, we figure out how to do it. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, if we do that we are not being used by God to build His Kingdom, but we are building our own kingdom.

I pray that we will not try to tell God what to do, but we will simply surrender ourselves to Him to be His ax or saw and accomplish His will in His power.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 13-16.

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