Witnesses to Jesus
All believers are witnesses to Jesus. We are either good witnesses or bad witnesses, but we are all witnesses to Him.(Acts 1:8) He gives us the power to be His witnesses through the Holy Spirit who resides in all of us. He sends us out to be witnesses in the entire world, wherever we He sends us. This is because the heart of God is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Jesus went back to heaven 40 days after the resurrection. He left the responsibility of spreading the gospel with His disciples. There were about 120 of them gathered in Jerusalem waiting for the Promise of the Father, which was the Holy Spirit. They knew their assignment. Tell what they knew to be the truth by giving first hand testimony. They had seen the risen Christ. They received His Spirit and the power He promised, so they went everywhere in Jerusalem sharing the good news of salvation. They were faithful witnesses.
The question is, "How are we doing at being witnesses?" Are we sharing what we know for sure? Are we telling what Jesus has done for us, after we learned the truth from the Word of God and/or another witness sharing His Word? If we are not being faithful witnesses, we are being disobedient to Him. We are living in sin. Yes, I know that is strong language, but it is true. Being a bad witness is a sin. If we simply allow the Spirit to fill us and we speak about Christ everywhere we go in His power, we can be a good witnesses and see people come to the Lord. It is not complicated, but Satan is so good at getting us off on other things and making us afraid. Please, remember we are all witnesses to Him, and without our testimony, our witness, no one else will come to know the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 2-5.
Jesus went back to heaven 40 days after the resurrection. He left the responsibility of spreading the gospel with His disciples. There were about 120 of them gathered in Jerusalem waiting for the Promise of the Father, which was the Holy Spirit. They knew their assignment. Tell what they knew to be the truth by giving first hand testimony. They had seen the risen Christ. They received His Spirit and the power He promised, so they went everywhere in Jerusalem sharing the good news of salvation. They were faithful witnesses.
The question is, "How are we doing at being witnesses?" Are we sharing what we know for sure? Are we telling what Jesus has done for us, after we learned the truth from the Word of God and/or another witness sharing His Word? If we are not being faithful witnesses, we are being disobedient to Him. We are living in sin. Yes, I know that is strong language, but it is true. Being a bad witness is a sin. If we simply allow the Spirit to fill us and we speak about Christ everywhere we go in His power, we can be a good witnesses and see people come to the Lord. It is not complicated, but Satan is so good at getting us off on other things and making us afraid. Please, remember we are all witnesses to Him, and without our testimony, our witness, no one else will come to know the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 2-5.