God will be Exalted!
I have always focused on the first part of Psalm 46:10, since I believe in having that "quiet time" or "unhurried time" with the Lord each day. However, it was the second part of the verse which spoke to me this morning. God will be exalted among the peoples of all of the earth. The question is. "Will we be people who exalt Him before others all the time?"
Today is the Lord's Day. We have the opportunity to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and lift Him up. Will we take advantage of this opportunity, or will it just be another day? Tomorrow and every week day we come in contact with many people. Will we give a positive testimony of the Lord, so that they see Him as the exalted King of the universe? If we do not exalt Him, we fail to do our part to fulfill the purpose of God, which is to let the whole world know about Him, so they can be saved and follow Him.
However, even if we fail, He will be exalted. Even if we are only bystanders, instead of participants, the world will see that Jesus is Lord. We need to join with the Lord and do all we can to exalt the Lord everywhere we go. Otherwise, what is the purpose and worth of our lives on this earth?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 49-51.
Today is the Lord's Day. We have the opportunity to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and lift Him up. Will we take advantage of this opportunity, or will it just be another day? Tomorrow and every week day we come in contact with many people. Will we give a positive testimony of the Lord, so that they see Him as the exalted King of the universe? If we do not exalt Him, we fail to do our part to fulfill the purpose of God, which is to let the whole world know about Him, so they can be saved and follow Him.
However, even if we fail, He will be exalted. Even if we are only bystanders, instead of participants, the world will see that Jesus is Lord. We need to join with the Lord and do all we can to exalt the Lord everywhere we go. Otherwise, what is the purpose and worth of our lives on this earth?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 49-51.