Honesty and Dependability
It is very refreshing today to find a person or a group of people who are honest and dependable. It is a sign of strong moral and spiritual character to find such qualities in our culture. However, since our morals are breaking down, and people are not concerned about being strong spiritually, it is hard to find honesty and dependability. The men who were rebuilding the Temple in King Jehoash's day were men of integrity who dealt faithfully with money and work.(II Kings 12:15) They were so different from others of that day that God included a verse about them in the Bible.
We all need to ask ourselves the question, "Am I honest and dependable?" Do we do what we tell others we will do? Do we do it the first time without having to be constantly encouraged? Are we good stewards of our money, but even more, are we good stewards of other people's money? All of these things go together to make a person stick out today. As a believer, these things should be so evident that we stick out to folks with whom we have dealings. They should be able to tell others we are honest and dependable and have confidence that we will not fail to live up to their recommendation.
If we are filled with the Spirit, instead of living by our fleshly desires, and if we are following the Word of God as the Spirit leads us to do, we will not have a problem living honestly and being dependable. If we live a life with no discipline, putting the emphasis on being happy and feeling good, we will fail this test. I pray that we all will be a great testimony of honesty and dependability to others each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 13-15.
We all need to ask ourselves the question, "Am I honest and dependable?" Do we do what we tell others we will do? Do we do it the first time without having to be constantly encouraged? Are we good stewards of our money, but even more, are we good stewards of other people's money? All of these things go together to make a person stick out today. As a believer, these things should be so evident that we stick out to folks with whom we have dealings. They should be able to tell others we are honest and dependable and have confidence that we will not fail to live up to their recommendation.
If we are filled with the Spirit, instead of living by our fleshly desires, and if we are following the Word of God as the Spirit leads us to do, we will not have a problem living honestly and being dependable. If we live a life with no discipline, putting the emphasis on being happy and feeling good, we will fail this test. I pray that we all will be a great testimony of honesty and dependability to others each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 13-15.