Our Close Relative
How did you like the way the Lord led Ruth through her simple faith in Him? Pretty amazing, wasn't it? She "just happened" to find the field of her close relative, Boaz. He "just happened" to take notice of her. Then, when she was led by her mother-in-law to throw herself upon his mercy, Boaz agreed to redeem her. Praise God for His loving provision for Ruth and Naomi.(Ruth 4:14) The truth is that He has not left any of us without a close relative to redeem us.
As we draw near to Easter and we remember the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus, can you see the connection? Jesus is our Close Relative. Sometimes, this Hebrew word is translated "kinsman redeemer." He left heaven to become a man, so He could experience life like us. That made Him our close relative. Then, He died to pay for our sins and to buy us back from our bondage to Satan. That made Him our Redeemer. Now, He wants us to live for Him and bear fruit for His glory. Did you realize that Ruth, the Moabite, bore Obed, the grandfather of King David, the ancestor of Jesus Himself? Think about it. This story tells us that God cares for everyone in the world, and He always has. We can all become a part of His family, no matter our ethnic or religious background. However, we all have to go to Him in faith and throw ourselves on His mercy, forsaking our old life and giving ourselves fully to Him, like Ruth did to Boaz.
Take some time to meditate on this remarkable story today. Pick up a good commentary or go to a good web site and read more of the details and background. Bless the Lord like the women of Ruth's day for all that God has done for us. Then, remember our Close Relative is still right there with us today, because He ever lives to make intercession for us and help us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 1-3.
As we draw near to Easter and we remember the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus, can you see the connection? Jesus is our Close Relative. Sometimes, this Hebrew word is translated "kinsman redeemer." He left heaven to become a man, so He could experience life like us. That made Him our close relative. Then, He died to pay for our sins and to buy us back from our bondage to Satan. That made Him our Redeemer. Now, He wants us to live for Him and bear fruit for His glory. Did you realize that Ruth, the Moabite, bore Obed, the grandfather of King David, the ancestor of Jesus Himself? Think about it. This story tells us that God cares for everyone in the world, and He always has. We can all become a part of His family, no matter our ethnic or religious background. However, we all have to go to Him in faith and throw ourselves on His mercy, forsaking our old life and giving ourselves fully to Him, like Ruth did to Boaz.
Take some time to meditate on this remarkable story today. Pick up a good commentary or go to a good web site and read more of the details and background. Bless the Lord like the women of Ruth's day for all that God has done for us. Then, remember our Close Relative is still right there with us today, because He ever lives to make intercession for us and help us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 1-3.