The Millennial Temple
Ezekiel was given a very detailed vision of the Temple which will be built in Jerusalem for the time of the Tribulation and the Millennium. No one knows all of the details about what will happen, but a few things are very clear. Jesus will physically return to earth, and He will reign for 1,000 years from the Temple in Jerusalem.(Ezekiel 43:7) It will be a time of peace and prosperity in which all of us, as believers, will reign with Him to ensure a time of righteousness upon the earth.
Some people wonder why God would do this. Why build another temple and have sacrifices like the Old Testament after Jesus has died on the cross and risen for our sins, once and for all? That is a very good question, but I believe there are a few good answers. First of all, God will be faithful to fulfill all of His promises to Israel, which were delayed because of their sin and rebellion. They will own the entire land, and they will enjoy a close relationship with the Lord. Then, the people will finally see how all of the sacrifices pointed to Jesus, and that they should have accepted Him as Lord and Savior when He came the first time. I believe it will be a glorious time for all who are on earth.
However, some Gentiles will still resist trusting Christ, even with Him reigning in their midst. What an amazing fact. Even living in a perfect society does not lead all people to do the right thing and trust Christ. It is a heart change that comes from humble submission to Him in faith. I pray that each of us has taken that step already, and we are ready for Jesus to come again, and we are ready to reign with Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 46-48 and Daniel 1.