Presents For God

Today was Fathers' Day. What did you give to our Heavenly Father? No, I am not kidding. Psalm 76:11 tells us to "bring presents to Him who ought to be feared." God is our Father, who loves us more than we love ourselves. I pray that you know Him. If you do, or if you have heard very much about Him, you know He is All-Powerful, All-Loving, and All-Wise. Therefore, we owe Him the utmost respect and reverential fear because of what He has done and what He can do now. If He wants a present, we should give it to Him.

We had several men in our church family participate in a Resolution Ceremony this morning as part of our Fathers' Day worship. They gave the Father a wonderful present. They made the vow to be all God calls a father to be in His Word. I believe that present made the Father very happy. All fathers should do the same thing, even if it is not in a church service. However, there is one greater present you can give the Father. It is yourself. He is the father in the parable of the Prodigal Son, and He is craning His neck to see if you are coming back to Him. Your rebellion and pride have led you to sin, and your sins have separated you from your Heavenly Father. However, He is longing for you to return, so He can put a new white robe on you and have a huge party to celebrate your return to Him, and your adoption into His family forever. I pray that if you haven't given yourself to Him that you will do it now. What a better day than Father's Day.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 78-80.

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