What Is Man?
David could have been looking up at the night sky, seeing the moon and the stars, when he thought about the place of man or humans in the universe. He was amazed that God would think of people after making such a magnificent creation. However, David knew God's intention for mankind. That is why he asked the question of Psalm 8:3,4.
Why is God mindful of man, and why does God visit man? Man is the highest creation of God. We were all created in His image, and we were made to live in close relationship with God, so we could thrive and administer His creation. We are not just another animal in a line of evolution. We are a separate species with an eternal soul and spirit, so we can know Him and love Him forever.
If you doubt your worth, or if you wonder if God notices you, please stop to consider who you are. You are a child of God. You may be separated from God by your sins.(Isaiah 59:1,2) However, God loved you so much He sent His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus to die for your sins, so you could be restored to a close relationship with Him. Turn from your way, and trust Christ as Lord, so you can know the peace and joy of walking with the Creator of all things.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 9-11.
Why is God mindful of man, and why does God visit man? Man is the highest creation of God. We were all created in His image, and we were made to live in close relationship with God, so we could thrive and administer His creation. We are not just another animal in a line of evolution. We are a separate species with an eternal soul and spirit, so we can know Him and love Him forever.
If you doubt your worth, or if you wonder if God notices you, please stop to consider who you are. You are a child of God. You may be separated from God by your sins.(Isaiah 59:1,2) However, God loved you so much He sent His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus to die for your sins, so you could be restored to a close relationship with Him. Turn from your way, and trust Christ as Lord, so you can know the peace and joy of walking with the Creator of all things.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 9-11.