Job was "at ease." We might say he had become complacent. He was comfortable in his life. He was in a rut, even though it was a good rut. Then, God shattered his life. God took him by the neck and shook him. God set him up as a target.(Job 16:12) God knows just how to get us out of complacency. Sometimes, it is a painful experience.
We never do God's will to the maximum, if we are at ease. We should always be growing and striving to be more like Christ in the power of the Spirit. If we think we can simply stay at a level of spiritual maturity because we are comfortable, we are kidding ourselves. We are either advancing spiritually or falling back. That is why God has to shake us when we hit a plateau.
Remember, trial are God's way to get us to trust Him more. He always gives us the strength to endure the trial and come out victoriously, if we trust Him. Please, keep advancing in your faith and in the likeness of Christ. Never allow yourself to become complacent, or God will shake you, if you are one of His children.
Tomorrow, I intend to read 17-20.
We never do God's will to the maximum, if we are at ease. We should always be growing and striving to be more like Christ in the power of the Spirit. If we think we can simply stay at a level of spiritual maturity because we are comfortable, we are kidding ourselves. We are either advancing spiritually or falling back. That is why God has to shake us when we hit a plateau.
Remember, trial are God's way to get us to trust Him more. He always gives us the strength to endure the trial and come out victoriously, if we trust Him. Please, keep advancing in your faith and in the likeness of Christ. Never allow yourself to become complacent, or God will shake you, if you are one of His children.
Tomorrow, I intend to read 17-20.