Power in the Blood
God created life. He designed the blood to contain life for the body. Leviticus 17:11says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood..." If you really want to see a sick person, look at someone whose blood does not contain the normal balance of elements. Without the blood, there is no life. The blood sustains life. Therefore, once the blood is removed life ceases. I don't want to be crude. I am just making a point about the medical realities of blood.
All of this is related to the fact that God chose the shedding of blood to atone for our souls. He commanded the priests in Leviticus to sprinkle the blood on the altar to make atonement. Why did He choose blood to atone? Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. Sin causes death, if it is left unchecked and unforgiven. Therefore, God had to show the seriousness of sin. He did this by requiring the death of an animal for the sin of the person. Then, the blood showed that the life had ceased. The price was paid for the sin by pouring out the life giving blood, as the person confessed his sins and asked God for forgiveness.
Then, the ultimate sacrifice was Jesus. He gave His perfect blood. He was the Perfect God-Man. He never sinned, so He could give His blood and die in our place. He gave His blood that we might have life. His blood paid our debt, once and for all.(I Peter 3:18) No more animal sacrifices and animal blood is needed. We are bought by the precious blood of the Lamb.
Therefore, the power is in the blood. The power of physical life is in the blood. The power to atone for our souls is in the blood of Jesus. We have nothing that we could do or give that could remove our sins and save our souls. Only the blood of Jesus has that power.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 18-21.
All of this is related to the fact that God chose the shedding of blood to atone for our souls. He commanded the priests in Leviticus to sprinkle the blood on the altar to make atonement. Why did He choose blood to atone? Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. Sin causes death, if it is left unchecked and unforgiven. Therefore, God had to show the seriousness of sin. He did this by requiring the death of an animal for the sin of the person. Then, the blood showed that the life had ceased. The price was paid for the sin by pouring out the life giving blood, as the person confessed his sins and asked God for forgiveness.
Then, the ultimate sacrifice was Jesus. He gave His perfect blood. He was the Perfect God-Man. He never sinned, so He could give His blood and die in our place. He gave His blood that we might have life. His blood paid our debt, once and for all.(I Peter 3:18) No more animal sacrifices and animal blood is needed. We are bought by the precious blood of the Lamb.
Therefore, the power is in the blood. The power of physical life is in the blood. The power to atone for our souls is in the blood of Jesus. We have nothing that we could do or give that could remove our sins and save our souls. Only the blood of Jesus has that power.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 18-21.