Promises, Promises, and More Promises
God made a promise to all people not to destroy the earth again after the great flood of Noah's time was over.(Genesis 8:22) He even gave us a sign to remind us of His promise. When the rainbow appears in the cloud, we remember his mercy. No matter how evil people become He will not destroy the earth until the end of time has come when He makes a new heaven and a new earth.
Promises from God are fantastic. You can always rely on Him to back them up. This promise in Genesis 8:22 is one of the first in the Bible. As we read through the Bible this year, or any time you are reading God's Word, make it a point to notice the promises and to put a mark by them. Maybe put a "P" in the margin of your Bible. I think you will be impressed by the multitudes of promises God has given people since the creation of the world.
Then, as you consider the promises, praise God for His faithfulness to His promises, and decide to live your life based on His promises to you. This is a good positive way to live the Christian life. Some people only think of the commands, which are partly negative. This can put us in the wrong frame of mind. When we live by the promises, we are always positive.
An example is God opposes the proud, but exalts the humble. That is a promise. It gives us a positive reason to be humble. Then, we know God will exalt us. Instead of thinking that God commands you to be humble no matter what, you can look at the promise associated with humility. It will be a great blessing for all of us to live by the promises of God and to see His faithfulness.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 10-12.
Promises from God are fantastic. You can always rely on Him to back them up. This promise in Genesis 8:22 is one of the first in the Bible. As we read through the Bible this year, or any time you are reading God's Word, make it a point to notice the promises and to put a mark by them. Maybe put a "P" in the margin of your Bible. I think you will be impressed by the multitudes of promises God has given people since the creation of the world.
Then, as you consider the promises, praise God for His faithfulness to His promises, and decide to live your life based on His promises to you. This is a good positive way to live the Christian life. Some people only think of the commands, which are partly negative. This can put us in the wrong frame of mind. When we live by the promises, we are always positive.
An example is God opposes the proud, but exalts the humble. That is a promise. It gives us a positive reason to be humble. Then, we know God will exalt us. Instead of thinking that God commands you to be humble no matter what, you can look at the promise associated with humility. It will be a great blessing for all of us to live by the promises of God and to see His faithfulness.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 10-12.