God's Deliverance
Life is not easy or fair, but God is good. We wrestle against Satan and his powers, as he uses people to attack us. He is trying to stop us from accomplishing God's purpose for our lives. We must fight him in God's power. God will be with us and deliver us, as we trust Him.(Jeremiah 1:19)
One of the greatest things about Christianity is that God is our Deliverer. We can't save ourselves from our sins. Christ came to die in our place. He paid the debt we owed because of sin. He won the victory over Satan. All He asks is that we turn from our sins and trust Him as Lord and Savior. That is not easy. Satan tries everything to convince us not to follow Christ. However, if we make a decision of the will to deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and to follow Him, He delivers us from sin.(Luke 9:23)
That does not end our struggles, though. At that point Satan becomes very angry. He pulls out every weapon he has to attack us and to keep us from being useful to God. He uses the desires of our flesh to tempt us. He uses the world system to lead us away from God's will. He is smart, but God is with us. He does not leave us to fight on our own. As we engage the enemy and resist Him, as we stand against Satan in God's armor, Satan is defeated by God's power, and He must flee from us. This is true as we pursue God's purpose for our lives. He will not lead us to accomplish something with out providing the power to complete it. God is our Deliverer, no matter who or what comes against us.
Today, I read Isaiah 65-66 and Jeremiah 1.
One of the greatest things about Christianity is that God is our Deliverer. We can't save ourselves from our sins. Christ came to die in our place. He paid the debt we owed because of sin. He won the victory over Satan. All He asks is that we turn from our sins and trust Him as Lord and Savior. That is not easy. Satan tries everything to convince us not to follow Christ. However, if we make a decision of the will to deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and to follow Him, He delivers us from sin.(Luke 9:23)
That does not end our struggles, though. At that point Satan becomes very angry. He pulls out every weapon he has to attack us and to keep us from being useful to God. He uses the desires of our flesh to tempt us. He uses the world system to lead us away from God's will. He is smart, but God is with us. He does not leave us to fight on our own. As we engage the enemy and resist Him, as we stand against Satan in God's armor, Satan is defeated by God's power, and He must flee from us. This is true as we pursue God's purpose for our lives. He will not lead us to accomplish something with out providing the power to complete it. God is our Deliverer, no matter who or what comes against us.
Today, I read Isaiah 65-66 and Jeremiah 1.