People need accountability. The old management axiom is true, "People do what you inspect, not what you expect." Our human nature has the tendency to put off things we don't want to do, or that we do not think we have time to do. When we have accountability, we find a way to do it anyway most of the time.
Spiritually, we need accountability, too. Even though our relationship with the Lord is personal, and the Holy Spirit prompts us to do the right thing in the right way, the flesh is weak. We are aided by knowing that someone will check on us. Then, once we have established a spiritual discipline, we can keep doing the right thing by ourselves. This doesn't rule out the need for accountability, though. Anyone can backslide, and accountability reduces that risk.
Do you have an accountability partner or group? If not, why not? It is simple. All it takes is the commitment to meet regularly for a short time each week and to be completely honest with each other. At our church we use the format Neil Cole developed for his Life Transformation Groups(LTG's) It includes accountability for reading the Bible each day, as well. We call our groups, On Mission Groups. My partner and I have 3 more days, and we will finish the Bible this year. Most people have never done that, because they do not have any accountability, and when they fall behind their reading plan, they give up.
Even Jesus had accountability from the Father and from His disciples. I hope you will build this essential element for consistent spiritual growth into your life for 2011.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 15-17.
Spiritually, we need accountability, too. Even though our relationship with the Lord is personal, and the Holy Spirit prompts us to do the right thing in the right way, the flesh is weak. We are aided by knowing that someone will check on us. Then, once we have established a spiritual discipline, we can keep doing the right thing by ourselves. This doesn't rule out the need for accountability, though. Anyone can backslide, and accountability reduces that risk.
Do you have an accountability partner or group? If not, why not? It is simple. All it takes is the commitment to meet regularly for a short time each week and to be completely honest with each other. At our church we use the format Neil Cole developed for his Life Transformation Groups(LTG's) It includes accountability for reading the Bible each day, as well. We call our groups, On Mission Groups. My partner and I have 3 more days, and we will finish the Bible this year. Most people have never done that, because they do not have any accountability, and when they fall behind their reading plan, they give up.
Even Jesus had accountability from the Father and from His disciples. I hope you will build this essential element for consistent spiritual growth into your life for 2011.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 15-17.