I think I can safely say that most people don't like problems. We would rather not encounter trials in our lives. We would like for everything to go smoothly. However, life does not work that way, does it? So, how should we handle the problems? What strategy should we have for dealing with them?
First, we should meet the problems with an attitude of joy, instead of dread, knowing that the problems will be used by the Lord to increase our faithful endurance and lead us to be complete in Him.(James 1:2-4) If we get angry or frustrated with the trails of life, we will probably not be able to listen to the Lord and hear what He is teaching us. Then, we will not grow as He intended. Therefore, we must proceed with joy through our problems.
Also, we must have an attitude of assurance that God causes "all things" to work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.(Romans 8:28) We must trust that He knows what He is doing. He doesn't allow anything to happen to His children, except what He knows will make them better in the long run. He will work it out for our good. Again, we can see problems as a path to a better life.
Our part in all trials is to make sure we know the Lord and we love Him sincerely. If we are right with Him, we can trust His love and power in our lives. That makes problems not so bad after all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 27-30.
First, we should meet the problems with an attitude of joy, instead of dread, knowing that the problems will be used by the Lord to increase our faithful endurance and lead us to be complete in Him.(James 1:2-4) If we get angry or frustrated with the trails of life, we will probably not be able to listen to the Lord and hear what He is teaching us. Then, we will not grow as He intended. Therefore, we must proceed with joy through our problems.
Also, we must have an attitude of assurance that God causes "all things" to work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.(Romans 8:28) We must trust that He knows what He is doing. He doesn't allow anything to happen to His children, except what He knows will make them better in the long run. He will work it out for our good. Again, we can see problems as a path to a better life.
Our part in all trials is to make sure we know the Lord and we love Him sincerely. If we are right with Him, we can trust His love and power in our lives. That makes problems not so bad after all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 27-30.