God has spoken to my heart a lot about sin this week. I have been reading a couple of books, and they both come at it from different angles. One book gave a good definition, and the other gave a clear picture of the consequences of sin. Once a person really sees sin, the only proper response is to repent. Let me explain a little.
Sin is not just doing bad things. Sin is living like you are God, and you can do whatever you want to do. That is why pride leads us to sin so badly. The consequences of all sin is that it takes us away from God and His plan for us. Therefore, when we sin, we are going our way, which is the broad road that leads to destruction.
Once we see that we are not God, and that our ways are leading in the wrong way, we need to turn around and go toward God. That is repentance. To put it another way, we let God be God, and we obey Him, since He is Lord of all. Then, once we are on the narrow way that leads to life, He can bless us by His grace and mercy. At that point our destination is Heaven. What a drastic difference! It is all because of repentance and faith in Jesus.
Who is God in your life? What direction are you going? It is very important to consider a course correction if you are off His course. Remember, repentance and faith are the keys to avoiding destruction.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 3-5.
Sin is not just doing bad things. Sin is living like you are God, and you can do whatever you want to do. That is why pride leads us to sin so badly. The consequences of all sin is that it takes us away from God and His plan for us. Therefore, when we sin, we are going our way, which is the broad road that leads to destruction.
Once we see that we are not God, and that our ways are leading in the wrong way, we need to turn around and go toward God. That is repentance. To put it another way, we let God be God, and we obey Him, since He is Lord of all. Then, once we are on the narrow way that leads to life, He can bless us by His grace and mercy. At that point our destination is Heaven. What a drastic difference! It is all because of repentance and faith in Jesus.
Who is God in your life? What direction are you going? It is very important to consider a course correction if you are off His course. Remember, repentance and faith are the keys to avoiding destruction.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 3-5.