Faithful, Humble, and Desperate
This morning we had a great study of Jesus healing the lady with the hemorrhage of blood from Luke 8. We were missing a few of our regular men, but God really spoke to us through this miracle.
It is quite obvious that Jesus healed this lady because of her faith, but in addition to that she was very humble and desperate for God to do something to relieve her suffering. I asked the men how often we pray those kinds of prayers in which we cry out to the Lord in desperation for an important need. I am afraid we don't do it enough, and that is one reason God doesn't work these kinds of miracles in our lives. It is not that God is obligated to do what we ask just because we pray in this way, but God does respond to faith and humility. He loves to see us seriously call upon Him as our source. We honor Him as God when we do what this woman did when she touched the hem of his robe.
Then, we noticed how the woman knew she was healed, and Jesus knew that power went out from Him. This was not just because Jesus was divine. We can experience the same thing. When we are full of His Spirit and we encounter a needy person, Jesus can cause His power to flow through us like He used Peter and Paul in the book of Acts. However, we have to have the power through prayer and fasting before we can impart it to others. It is exciting to think how God can use us in that way. I know we all would love to be His instruments to heal and encourage others. Therefore, let's stay faithful, humble, and desperate for the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 11-13.
It is quite obvious that Jesus healed this lady because of her faith, but in addition to that she was very humble and desperate for God to do something to relieve her suffering. I asked the men how often we pray those kinds of prayers in which we cry out to the Lord in desperation for an important need. I am afraid we don't do it enough, and that is one reason God doesn't work these kinds of miracles in our lives. It is not that God is obligated to do what we ask just because we pray in this way, but God does respond to faith and humility. He loves to see us seriously call upon Him as our source. We honor Him as God when we do what this woman did when she touched the hem of his robe.
Then, we noticed how the woman knew she was healed, and Jesus knew that power went out from Him. This was not just because Jesus was divine. We can experience the same thing. When we are full of His Spirit and we encounter a needy person, Jesus can cause His power to flow through us like He used Peter and Paul in the book of Acts. However, we have to have the power through prayer and fasting before we can impart it to others. It is exciting to think how God can use us in that way. I know we all would love to be His instruments to heal and encourage others. Therefore, let's stay faithful, humble, and desperate for the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 11-13.