The Tiger Woods Dilemma
As you have probably heard Tiger Woods has taken an indefinite leave from golf to work on his marriage and his life. This could be the best thing that has ever happened to him. This could lead him to the Lord. If that is the result, his life and marriage would be completely different in a great way. However, right now the report is that his wife has given him an ultimatum that it is either her or golf. I am sure that was at least a bit of a dilemma for Tiger, but I do not think it is his main dilemma. Let me explain.
I have met many couples who were having marital problems over the last 35 years of ministry. I have tried my best to help each one. In many cases the dilemma is that the wife or the husband wants the spouse to be good and faithful to them, but they do not want them to be a born again believer. They still want to enjoy the pleasures of this world, and they have their particular sins they like to engage in. All they want is for their spouse to treat them and the kids right. Can you see the dilemma? They are asking for a limited righteousness based on human ability. That is shaky at best, and impossible in reality. If a person doesn't have a true life change, there will be no true goodness or right living.
Therefore, I say that Tiger most likely has a greater dilemma. He really needs Jesus as his Lord and Savior in order to be what his wife wants, but she may not want him to go that far. It is a terrible position to be in. As for me, I am praying that Tiger will choose Jesus first, then his wife and children. That would be the way to be a total champion.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 12-14 and Revelation 4.
I have met many couples who were having marital problems over the last 35 years of ministry. I have tried my best to help each one. In many cases the dilemma is that the wife or the husband wants the spouse to be good and faithful to them, but they do not want them to be a born again believer. They still want to enjoy the pleasures of this world, and they have their particular sins they like to engage in. All they want is for their spouse to treat them and the kids right. Can you see the dilemma? They are asking for a limited righteousness based on human ability. That is shaky at best, and impossible in reality. If a person doesn't have a true life change, there will be no true goodness or right living.
Therefore, I say that Tiger most likely has a greater dilemma. He really needs Jesus as his Lord and Savior in order to be what his wife wants, but she may not want him to go that far. It is a terrible position to be in. As for me, I am praying that Tiger will choose Jesus first, then his wife and children. That would be the way to be a total champion.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 12-14 and Revelation 4.