The Ten Commandments
There has been a titanic shift in the way people think over the past 100 years. Most people used to accept that there were certain truths that were universal and absolute. Now, there is hardly anyone who ascribes to that belief. Everyone believes that truth is relative to certain places, situations, and people. It has caused our society and our world to be turned upside down.
This afternoon in the Good News Club we had a good example of this shift. Joe was talking to the children about the Missions story, and he mentioned the Ten Commandments. We had about 30 children in attendance. Not a single one spoke up when he asked them to name one of the commandments. Then, he probed a little deeper, and they came up with one or two of them, but there was no realization of their real importance. It was a surprise, even to me. I would have thought that more of our children would have known and appreciated the Ten Commandments.
A hundred years ago they were taught in schools, not in a religious sense, but as a statement of that absolute truth. Now, they are unknown. I believe there is a direct connection between that fact and the crime and immorality we are experiencing today. We have lost our rudder, and we are adrift in a see of selfishness and hedonism. It is more and more like the days of Noah, and it is during those kind of days when Jesus will return.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 5-8 and Revelation 2.
This afternoon in the Good News Club we had a good example of this shift. Joe was talking to the children about the Missions story, and he mentioned the Ten Commandments. We had about 30 children in attendance. Not a single one spoke up when he asked them to name one of the commandments. Then, he probed a little deeper, and they came up with one or two of them, but there was no realization of their real importance. It was a surprise, even to me. I would have thought that more of our children would have known and appreciated the Ten Commandments.
A hundred years ago they were taught in schools, not in a religious sense, but as a statement of that absolute truth. Now, they are unknown. I believe there is a direct connection between that fact and the crime and immorality we are experiencing today. We have lost our rudder, and we are adrift in a see of selfishness and hedonism. It is more and more like the days of Noah, and it is during those kind of days when Jesus will return.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 5-8 and Revelation 2.