The Body and The Blood
It has been amazing the way my daily Scripture reading has been relating to my life lately. It always does, but at times, it speaks so directly. It reminds me that God is able to speak to me by the Spirit through His Word in a very specific way.
This morning I read about the Lord's Supper in Luke 22. What are the odds of reading one of the passages on the Lord's Supper one day before we observe it in our church? Well, God had it work out that way to get my mind focused on it all day today. I believe that means God wants it to be very special tomorrow.
It should be very special every time we take the Lord's Supper, because of what it represents. The Body of the Anointed One was given for us, so we could be forgiven our sins. He was beaten and bruised to suffer for my sins. What a substitution! The One who knew no sin became sin for me. The Blood of the God-Man, that unique blood, was shed to pay for my sins. He redeemed me with His life blood. Now, I can enter the New Covenant in His Blood. He paid it all, but He opened the way for me to enter that covenant by grace through faith. I can't imagine the love.
Yes, I am ready for tomorrow, and I pray that Jesus will reveal Himself to us in a most profound way when we come to observe the Supper He commanded us to observe until He comes back.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 14-15 and Luke 22:21-46.
This morning I read about the Lord's Supper in Luke 22. What are the odds of reading one of the passages on the Lord's Supper one day before we observe it in our church? Well, God had it work out that way to get my mind focused on it all day today. I believe that means God wants it to be very special tomorrow.
It should be very special every time we take the Lord's Supper, because of what it represents. The Body of the Anointed One was given for us, so we could be forgiven our sins. He was beaten and bruised to suffer for my sins. What a substitution! The One who knew no sin became sin for me. The Blood of the God-Man, that unique blood, was shed to pay for my sins. He redeemed me with His life blood. Now, I can enter the New Covenant in His Blood. He paid it all, but He opened the way for me to enter that covenant by grace through faith. I can't imagine the love.
Yes, I am ready for tomorrow, and I pray that Jesus will reveal Himself to us in a most profound way when we come to observe the Supper He commanded us to observe until He comes back.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 14-15 and Luke 22:21-46.