An "Unbusy" Day
I can't remember a recent Friday or a Saturday that I was able to relax most of the day. It is great to be able to rest mind and body. I enjoyed talking with Chris and catching up with her since she had been gone. I walked the dog in the middle of the day, instead of leaving it to the end. Jesus did those types of things with His disciples, and I believe He wants us to take times for rest, too.
When my mind is not busy thinking of a lot of things, I am able to focus better. I don't know if everyone is that way, but I am. My unhurried time this morning was very peaceful, and the Lord was speaking loud and clear through His Word in Isaiah 53 and 55. I took some time to study for the Monday morning Bible study on John, and I watched some football. Then, we had the choir dinner. It was a pure time of fellowship, so it was very relaxing, too. I must confess that I had forgotten what it is like to be "unbusy" for a day.
I have asked the Lord to help me be more focused on people than on tasks now that the building is done, and He is answering my prayers. I have had more opportunities to speak to people and spend time with them. That is one reason I like the Monday morning study of John. We really are able to enjoy each other as we discuss God's Word together and eat breakfast together. I pray we can all make our schedules more unbusy, at least for a day or two a week, so we can relax and realize what is really important.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 56-58 and II Thessalonians 2.
When my mind is not busy thinking of a lot of things, I am able to focus better. I don't know if everyone is that way, but I am. My unhurried time this morning was very peaceful, and the Lord was speaking loud and clear through His Word in Isaiah 53 and 55. I took some time to study for the Monday morning Bible study on John, and I watched some football. Then, we had the choir dinner. It was a pure time of fellowship, so it was very relaxing, too. I must confess that I had forgotten what it is like to be "unbusy" for a day.
I have asked the Lord to help me be more focused on people than on tasks now that the building is done, and He is answering my prayers. I have had more opportunities to speak to people and spend time with them. That is one reason I like the Monday morning study of John. We really are able to enjoy each other as we discuss God's Word together and eat breakfast together. I pray we can all make our schedules more unbusy, at least for a day or two a week, so we can relax and realize what is really important.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 56-58 and II Thessalonians 2.