Our Dedication Service
It was truly a joy for me to participate in the dedication of our new worship center to the Lord and to His use today. We had a marvelous worship service. The times of reflection on the building process and the time of dedication were both very meaningful. It was so good to have a large crowd of guests, old friends, and our regular church family. In the end I felt like God had worked it all out for His honor and glory.
It has all had a very personal effect on me. I am so committed to seeing our church grow and reach our community. I have seen the sacrifice of people to build this building. I have been touched by the prayers and unity of purpose. Now, I am ready for the real work, the really hard work of reaching people who don't know the Lord. I don't ever presume upon the Lord and His will, but I would love to serve Him here for many years to come and to see the mighty power of His Spirit change many lives. I am ready to fully give myself to that task. I pray that you would join me in it either here or where you are.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 41-42 and I Thessalonians 1.
It has all had a very personal effect on me. I am so committed to seeing our church grow and reach our community. I have seen the sacrifice of people to build this building. I have been touched by the prayers and unity of purpose. Now, I am ready for the real work, the really hard work of reaching people who don't know the Lord. I don't ever presume upon the Lord and His will, but I would love to serve Him here for many years to come and to see the mighty power of His Spirit change many lives. I am ready to fully give myself to that task. I pray that you would join me in it either here or where you are.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 41-42 and I Thessalonians 1.