A Ministry of Reconciliation
God has given each of us a ministry of reconciliation. That is a big word for making friends or restoring relationships. He wants us who have had our relationship with Him restored to show others how to be friends with Him. He wants us to show others how to have right relationships with other people, too. It is the same basic principle. Sin causes us to have a broken relationship with God. Jesus died and rose again to deal with our sin once and for all. When we turn to Him in repentance from sin and faith in Him, He forgives us, and we have a relationship with Him. The sin is removed by His sacrifice. Sin destroys human relationships, too. People need to see that the only way to be real friends is to deal with others in integrity and trust. Then, we can really be friends. Without that we are just acquaintances. Anyone who does not deal honestly with another person, doesn't really have a friendship relationship. The sin must be removed. The whole world needs to hear those two messages about being reconciled to God and to others. That is our job as believers. We are ministers of reconciliation to everyone we meet. I pray we are doing a good job. God is watching to see how we are doing at the mission He has given us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 132-134 and I Corinthians 11:17-34.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 132-134 and I Corinthians 11:17-34.