God's Guidance
This afternoon at the Good News Club we taught the children Isaiah 58:11 which says, "The Lord will guide you continually." That is a promise which shows the heart of God for each of us. He wants to guide us all of the time, not just on certain occasions. What could be better than continuous guidance for our lives? It is what we need, isn't it?
The question that arises is, "Why don't we, as believers, receive that guidance?" I believe there are several reasons that are very clearly seen. We don't avail ourselves of God's Word by reading it and memorizing it enough, so we do not have His light for our paths. Also, we are not constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. It is His job to lead us into all truth, so the less He has control over us, the less guidance we receive. Many times we do not listen to our Christians friends who want to help us know God's way, so we miss His directions that way, too. However, the main problem is that we do not seek to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6) That is what causes us not to read His Word, surrender to the Spirit, and listen to Christian friends. We have got to want His guidance to receive it, because He speaks in a still small voice. He doesn't shout at us, and He doesn't force us. I want to learn these lessons more and more myself, so I can realize this promise to have God guide me continually.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 30-31 and Luke 13:23-35.
The question that arises is, "Why don't we, as believers, receive that guidance?" I believe there are several reasons that are very clearly seen. We don't avail ourselves of God's Word by reading it and memorizing it enough, so we do not have His light for our paths. Also, we are not constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. It is His job to lead us into all truth, so the less He has control over us, the less guidance we receive. Many times we do not listen to our Christians friends who want to help us know God's way, so we miss His directions that way, too. However, the main problem is that we do not seek to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6) That is what causes us not to read His Word, surrender to the Spirit, and listen to Christian friends. We have got to want His guidance to receive it, because He speaks in a still small voice. He doesn't shout at us, and He doesn't force us. I want to learn these lessons more and more myself, so I can realize this promise to have God guide me continually.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 30-31 and Luke 13:23-35.