Asking for Help
One of the things that I have the most trouble with is asking people to help me. I know that it should not be a problem. I know that they will receive a blessing by serving the Lord, so I should want to include them. I know that they can always just say no, if they do not want to help, but it is still hard for me to ask for help. However, there are some times when I just have to ask for help, so I do. This is one of those times.
Our church is going to host the Mike Hagen Strength Team March 12-16, 2008. It is going to take a huge amount of preparation, but it has the potential of producing a lot of results for God's Kingdom. I very much believe that it will be worth the effort, but it is beyond what I can do.
Therefore, I am asking for your help. I will take time this Sunday morning to explain it all, and there will be some sign up sheets there, but I wanted to let you begin praying about how you can help now. We need to form these teams to help prepare for the Strength Team and to carry out these services:
Stage Crew Team - 12 people 16 years old and up
Materials Team - to collect the materials and solicit donations of
the materials
School Assembly Team - to help with school assembly programs
Prayer Team
Product Team - to help sell products during the week of services
Usher Team
Altar Worker Team - to help counsel people who come forward
Follow-up Team - to follow up on decisions
Hospitality Team - to fix some meals for the Strength Team
Technical Team - for audio visual needs
I am not sure yet how many school assemblies we will have that week, so that team will need to be flexible. The most pressing need now, is the Materials Team, because there is a long list of materials needed, and we must have them at the church by March 4.
Please, pray for this crusade, and pray about how you can help. Send me an email at if you have questions or you know how you want to help. I am certain that God will bless in a mrvelous way, if each of us will pray and do his or her part to prepare and to bring our friends and neighbors. Thanks for your help.
Oh yeah, this is right in line with Exodus 18, too. If you have been reading through the Bible with me this year, you will remember what Moses was told by his father-in-law, Jethro. His advice really helped Moses through his time of leading Israel in the wildreness. I am trying to follow that pattern, too. Please, pray for me.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 27-28 and Matthew 21:1-22.
Our church is going to host the Mike Hagen Strength Team March 12-16, 2008. It is going to take a huge amount of preparation, but it has the potential of producing a lot of results for God's Kingdom. I very much believe that it will be worth the effort, but it is beyond what I can do.
Therefore, I am asking for your help. I will take time this Sunday morning to explain it all, and there will be some sign up sheets there, but I wanted to let you begin praying about how you can help now. We need to form these teams to help prepare for the Strength Team and to carry out these services:
Stage Crew Team - 12 people 16 years old and up
Materials Team - to collect the materials and solicit donations of
the materials
School Assembly Team - to help with school assembly programs
Prayer Team
Product Team - to help sell products during the week of services
Usher Team
Altar Worker Team - to help counsel people who come forward
Follow-up Team - to follow up on decisions
Hospitality Team - to fix some meals for the Strength Team
Technical Team - for audio visual needs
I am not sure yet how many school assemblies we will have that week, so that team will need to be flexible. The most pressing need now, is the Materials Team, because there is a long list of materials needed, and we must have them at the church by March 4.
Please, pray for this crusade, and pray about how you can help. Send me an email at if you have questions or you know how you want to help. I am certain that God will bless in a mrvelous way, if each of us will pray and do his or her part to prepare and to bring our friends and neighbors. Thanks for your help.
Oh yeah, this is right in line with Exodus 18, too. If you have been reading through the Bible with me this year, you will remember what Moses was told by his father-in-law, Jethro. His advice really helped Moses through his time of leading Israel in the wildreness. I am trying to follow that pattern, too. Please, pray for me.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 27-28 and Matthew 21:1-22.