Our Ways are not God's Ways - I Samuel 22-24 and Luke 12:1-31
It is so important for us to remember that our ways are not God's ways. Until we learn this truth, we will continue to try to figure out how to do God's work with our methods. This never works, because it misses the fact that God has to produce the fruit, not us. These passages have many examples of this vital truth.
David lied to the priest, Ahimelech, so he could get away from Saul. He thought it would not hurt to tell a "little white lie." The result of doing things his way was that Ahimelech and the rest of the priests at Nob were killed, because Saul found out they had helped David. This tragedy was caused by trying to do things in a human way, instead of God's way. After this, David started calling on the Lord to get directions before he acted. That is what we should all do. Finally, we read how David could have killed Saul in the cave, but he did not. He would not take it upon himself to kill the man God anointed as king. This action proved that David was no longer doing things his own way. In human reasoning it would have been easy to rationalize killing Saul. That was not God's way, though.
Luke 12 is full of these differences between God's ways and our ways. As you read them think about what you do, not what you know is right. How many of us are afraid of people more than we fear God? How many of us worry about what we will say to unbelievers when they question us, instead of trusting God to give us the words to say? How many of us plan what to do with our money, but we don't ask God to show us? How many of us worry about food and clothes, instead of realizing that God will provide for those needs if we seek His kingdom first? Do you see what I mean? Our ways are not God's ways. Often, our ways are the opposite of His ways. Therefore, we must listen to His Word and pray for His guidance to stay on track with Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 25-26 and Luke 12:32-59.
David lied to the priest, Ahimelech, so he could get away from Saul. He thought it would not hurt to tell a "little white lie." The result of doing things his way was that Ahimelech and the rest of the priests at Nob were killed, because Saul found out they had helped David. This tragedy was caused by trying to do things in a human way, instead of God's way. After this, David started calling on the Lord to get directions before he acted. That is what we should all do. Finally, we read how David could have killed Saul in the cave, but he did not. He would not take it upon himself to kill the man God anointed as king. This action proved that David was no longer doing things his own way. In human reasoning it would have been easy to rationalize killing Saul. That was not God's way, though.
Luke 12 is full of these differences between God's ways and our ways. As you read them think about what you do, not what you know is right. How many of us are afraid of people more than we fear God? How many of us worry about what we will say to unbelievers when they question us, instead of trusting God to give us the words to say? How many of us plan what to do with our money, but we don't ask God to show us? How many of us worry about food and clothes, instead of realizing that God will provide for those needs if we seek His kingdom first? Do you see what I mean? Our ways are not God's ways. Often, our ways are the opposite of His ways. Therefore, we must listen to His Word and pray for His guidance to stay on track with Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 25-26 and Luke 12:32-59.