Having His Presence and Following His Word - I Samuel 10-12 and Luke 9:37-62

There is no doubt that once Samuel anointed Saul that God's Presence was with Him. The Holy Spirit came upon Him to empower him for the task God had for him as it did other anointed people in the Old Covenant times. However, that was not enough. He and the people had to obey God's Word, too. The people had prayed for a king like the other nations. God gave them one like they wanted. He was tall and handsome. Then, God gave him His Spirit and changed his heart. He showed him signs so that he knew it was all from the Lord. Then, Samuel made it clear to Saul and to the people that they still had to follow God's Word, or things would not work out. We can have the presence of God and still mess up. We must follow His Word, too.

As we read the end of Luke 9 this truth is especially evident. They had been in Jesus' physical presence for a long time, but they could not drive the demon out of the man's son. They did not understand God's Word, and they were having a hard time following it. They wanted to talk about who was greatest, which is what is in the human heart, in the flesh. Jesus had to show them His Word on that. They wanted to forbid other people from acting in Jesus' name. Jesus had to teach them His Word about this. They wanted to destroy disobedient people, but Jesus came to save them. The key was to follow Jesus and His Word completely. They needed the Holy Spirit to indwell them, which would happen after the resurrection, but even then, they would need to follow His Word. That is what Jesus was teaching them and us. When we are saved, we have His presence. He comes to live in us. That does not insure our success. We must follow His Word, too. We can't overstate the importance of God's Word in our lives. Think of Psalm 1 and other passages about abiding in His Word. Let's make that our aim. It is the way to know Him and to do His will.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 13-14 and Luke 10:1-24.

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