August 13, 2006 - Psalms 87-88 and Romans 13

The place you were born is significant. That is what Psalm 87 tells us. The people who were born in Zion or Jerusalem were special because that made them citizens of God's city on earth. However, the greatest thing in life is to be born a citizen of the Heaven. In order for that to be true, we have to be born again through Jesus Christ. Then, we are made citizens of heaven. Where is your citizenship? Think of all of the benefits that come with citizenship in heaven. Then, thank Jesus that you were born in Zion.

Psalm 88 is the prayer of a depressed person. This person is praying to God early in the morning, but since he does not see anything happening, he continues in his despondency. This is a sad reality in the lives of some people. Instead of focusing on problems and not being able to be happy until the problems are gone, we should focus on God and the benefits of knowing Him. I urge you to let your eyes stay on Him and not on your troubles.

Romans 13 is a chapter that deals with authority. Most people in America don't like authority. They want to be free to do their own thing. However, authority is good. God's authority over us is good for us, and He ordained the earthly authorities for our good, too. We should follow both as we love each other and wait for Christ to come. It is time for us to quit living in sin and to be ready for Jesus. How are you doing in obeying the laws of the land? How are you doing at loving others? How are doing at being ready for Jesus to come? Now, is the time to get these things right.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 89-90 and Romans 14.

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