August 10, 2006 - Psalms 79-80 and Romans 11:1-18

As I read these psalms I was taken with how God works to restore us to His favor. We have to want to return to Him, but He provides the atonement for our sins. We have to repent and ask Him to forgive us, but He is our Shepherd, and He takes care of us as His sheep. What a blessing to know that He cares so much, even when we have sinned. As you read Psalms 79 and 80 think about how much the Lord cares for you. If you need to be restored to Him, talk with Him about your sins, and ask Him to look down on you with favor. The best times in life are when we are walking close to God, so we don't want to let our sins separate us from Him at all.

Romans 11 is another example of how God works to restore people to himself. Paul asks the question if God had cast off His people, but the obvious answer is no. He is waiting for them to return to Him by faith. He saved the Gentiles who trusted Him to provoke the Jews to jealousy. Then, they would decide to trust Him, too, so they could be blessed by God like the Gentiles. This shows that salvation is not just by the arbitrary choice of God, or how would provoking Israel to jealousy work? It would not work at all. The Lord is waiting for them to accept Him. (v.15) That is what is delaying their restoration. Please, pray for Israel to be saved. God wants it so much just like Paul did. It should be a regular prayer request for all of us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 81-83 and Romans 11:19-36.

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