May 8, 2006 - II Kings 4-6 and Luke 24:36-53
Each morning I read from Henry Blackaby's devotional book, Experiencing God Day by Day, in addition to my Bible reading. I don't mention it very often, but it is always a great blessing to me. The theme this morning was about how God causes us to marvel at how He works around us and in us. It was a great introduction to the passages from the Bible for today, and it was even more meaningful because of my experience this past week. We have been hosting a young man from Santo Domingo. It was his first trip to the USA. All week he was marvelling about all of the new things he was seeing. It made me realize that we should be the same way with God, as we see what He is doing. We should be constantly in awe of Him.
That is why God used Elisha and others to work their miracles like those in chapters 4-6. God wanted the widow and her sons to be in awe of God's power and provision. God wanted the Shunammite to experience his grace and mercy to the fullest, as He gave her a son and then raised him from the dead. He wanted Naaman to realize the glory of God, which he did, and he turned to God as his Savior. He wanted everyone to be struck by Gehazi's leprosy, so they would marvel at God's justice. He wanted the prophets to marvel at a floating ax head, and God wanted Elisha's servant to be blown away by the host of heaven around them, so He could learn that God's forces are more numerous than the forces of the enemy. The marvel factor is important in life, isn't it?
Look at Luke 24 in this way. Jesus appeared to His disciples after the resurrection so they could marvel at His new body. He could walk through walls, but He could eat. What a marvel! Then, they marvelled at His teaching before they were amazed at His ascension to heaven right through the clouds in bodily form. That caused them to continue in praise, glorifying Him day by day. That is what God wants for us all of the time. When was the last time you marvelled in the Lord and His power? If it has been too long, you may have lost the awe of the Lord. That is a serious situation. Stop, and ask the Lord to come down and show Himself strong to you, so you can marvel at Him and praise Him. I believe that is essential to living a joyful Christian life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 7-9 and John 1:1-28.
That is why God used Elisha and others to work their miracles like those in chapters 4-6. God wanted the widow and her sons to be in awe of God's power and provision. God wanted the Shunammite to experience his grace and mercy to the fullest, as He gave her a son and then raised him from the dead. He wanted Naaman to realize the glory of God, which he did, and he turned to God as his Savior. He wanted everyone to be struck by Gehazi's leprosy, so they would marvel at God's justice. He wanted the prophets to marvel at a floating ax head, and God wanted Elisha's servant to be blown away by the host of heaven around them, so He could learn that God's forces are more numerous than the forces of the enemy. The marvel factor is important in life, isn't it?
Look at Luke 24 in this way. Jesus appeared to His disciples after the resurrection so they could marvel at His new body. He could walk through walls, but He could eat. What a marvel! Then, they marvelled at His teaching before they were amazed at His ascension to heaven right through the clouds in bodily form. That caused them to continue in praise, glorifying Him day by day. That is what God wants for us all of the time. When was the last time you marvelled in the Lord and His power? If it has been too long, you may have lost the awe of the Lord. That is a serious situation. Stop, and ask the Lord to come down and show Himself strong to you, so you can marvel at Him and praise Him. I believe that is essential to living a joyful Christian life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 7-9 and John 1:1-28.