May 10, 2006 - II Kings 10-12 and John 1:29-51
As we read these two passages of Scripture, it should become apparent to all of us that God wants to send a revival to us, but it depends on us. We must choose to turn to Him with all of our heart. Then, He can do a great work to restore us to a close relationship with Him. Our church has been having revival services this week, so this is very relevant for us. Those who have participated have heard the Lord speak clearly to them, and they have had to make a choice. That is how God works all of the time. Let the Lord speak to you through His Word, today.
In chapter 10 Jehu finishes punishing the family of Ahab as God had told him to do. He, also, killed all of the Baal worshipers in Israel. We might think that this would cause a great revival in Israel, but it didn't, because Jehu did not heed the Lord "with all of his heart." Revival comes when we fully follow what God is saying to us, not when we just try to reform part of our life.
Chapters 11 and 12 show what was happening in Judah at the same time. There was actually a woman on the throne for a while. (v.3) This was not God's will, since God had promised to have a descendant of David on the throne as long as the people were faithful to Him. This shows they had departed from the Lord. However, Jehoash was made the king when he turned 7 years old, and a revival broke out in Judah. The Temple of Baal was destroyed, and the Temple of God was repaired. Under the leadership of Jehoash the people turned back to the Lord for a time. However, it was not a complete revival either, because Jehoash compromised with the enemy. (v.18) God was so wanting to bless His people, but they would not fully turn to Him.
In John 1 there is a similar situation. John, the Baptist, proclaims Jesus to be the Lamb of God. He tells his disciples that Jesus has come to take away the sins of the world and to baptize people with the Holy Spirit. He clearly tells them that Jesus is the Son of God. (v.34) Some of the disciples of John leave John to follow Jesus, but Nathanael is not so sure. He wonders if Jesus is really the Messiah. He marvels at Jesus' knowledge of Him, and he calls Him the king of Israel. However, I am not sure He fully received Him as Lord at this point. He still had to make the decision to give Himself fully to Jesus as Lord. That is what we all have to do. I pray that we will do it today. I pray that you will have a personal revival and that our church will experience a real revival, because that is the heart of Jesus for all of us. Come to Jesus today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 13-14 and John 2.
In chapter 10 Jehu finishes punishing the family of Ahab as God had told him to do. He, also, killed all of the Baal worshipers in Israel. We might think that this would cause a great revival in Israel, but it didn't, because Jehu did not heed the Lord "with all of his heart." Revival comes when we fully follow what God is saying to us, not when we just try to reform part of our life.
Chapters 11 and 12 show what was happening in Judah at the same time. There was actually a woman on the throne for a while. (v.3) This was not God's will, since God had promised to have a descendant of David on the throne as long as the people were faithful to Him. This shows they had departed from the Lord. However, Jehoash was made the king when he turned 7 years old, and a revival broke out in Judah. The Temple of Baal was destroyed, and the Temple of God was repaired. Under the leadership of Jehoash the people turned back to the Lord for a time. However, it was not a complete revival either, because Jehoash compromised with the enemy. (v.18) God was so wanting to bless His people, but they would not fully turn to Him.
In John 1 there is a similar situation. John, the Baptist, proclaims Jesus to be the Lamb of God. He tells his disciples that Jesus has come to take away the sins of the world and to baptize people with the Holy Spirit. He clearly tells them that Jesus is the Son of God. (v.34) Some of the disciples of John leave John to follow Jesus, but Nathanael is not so sure. He wonders if Jesus is really the Messiah. He marvels at Jesus' knowledge of Him, and he calls Him the king of Israel. However, I am not sure He fully received Him as Lord at this point. He still had to make the decision to give Himself fully to Jesus as Lord. That is what we all have to do. I pray that we will do it today. I pray that you will have a personal revival and that our church will experience a real revival, because that is the heart of Jesus for all of us. Come to Jesus today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 13-14 and John 2.