May 7, 2006 - II Kings 1-3 and Luke 24:1-35
Life is difficult, and we can't accomplish God's will in our own power and intellect. He knows that, so He makes Himself available to us. He wants to bless all of us. However, there are certain people whom He blesses even more than others. They receive an anointing of His Spirit. They have a special understanding of His will when He comes to them in this way. We should all want to experience this anointing. We should all want the "hand of the Lord" to be upon us in a powerful way. I pray that this passage will help us desire to have more of God's power in our lives.
Chapter 1 tells us about how Elijah rebuked the king of Israel, and then, the king sought to kill him. However, the king could not touch Elijah. The power of God was available to him, so that Elijah was able to call down fire from heaven to destroy them. What a miracle! Elijah could defeat 50 men without raising a finger. That is the protection of God. Why did this happen? God had chosen to anoint Elijah and to use him in a special way. Elijah was faithful to follow God's will, so God kept blessing him.
In chapter 2 we read about Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot of fire. Again, this was a very unusual miracle. However, look at the further implications here. Elisha asked God to give him a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. Was that a bad request on his part? Was he being prideful? I do not think this came from pride, but it came from his desire to be used greatly by God. Therefore, God granted his request. It is hard to believe, but as we continue to read through II Kings we will see that he did even more miracles than Elijah. What a blessing! That is what each of us should want. We should desire a double portion of God's anointing to be on us for the glory of God. Is that what you want today?
Chapter 3 shows how the hand of the Lord was on the musician. (v.15) Was this musician as famous as Elisha or Elijah? No, he was not that famous. However, he could say that there was a time when God's hand was on him. Can you say that today? Is God's hand on you right now? If not, would you pray for God to place His hand on you, so you can have His power to live your life in a supernatural way? I pray that you would have that desire, and God would grant it.
Luke 24 tells about the resurrection of Jesus. The ladies made their way to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus, but they could not have moved the stone away. God did that for them. There are many things we can't do ourselves that are very important. We must act in faith, and rely on God to work those miracles. Then, the disciples on the road to Emmaus could not understand the resurrection until Jesus came to them and explained it to them. This was a special blessing, a special revelation, to them. How often we all need God's special understanding of things, or we just don't understand. Do you desire that special revelation for you? I pray that you will ask God for it. God will look at our hearts, and He will decide if you are worthy of His anointing. That is the ultimate blessing of life is to be used by God to do His will in His power and for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 4-6 and Luke 24:36-53.
Chapter 1 tells us about how Elijah rebuked the king of Israel, and then, the king sought to kill him. However, the king could not touch Elijah. The power of God was available to him, so that Elijah was able to call down fire from heaven to destroy them. What a miracle! Elijah could defeat 50 men without raising a finger. That is the protection of God. Why did this happen? God had chosen to anoint Elijah and to use him in a special way. Elijah was faithful to follow God's will, so God kept blessing him.
In chapter 2 we read about Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot of fire. Again, this was a very unusual miracle. However, look at the further implications here. Elisha asked God to give him a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. Was that a bad request on his part? Was he being prideful? I do not think this came from pride, but it came from his desire to be used greatly by God. Therefore, God granted his request. It is hard to believe, but as we continue to read through II Kings we will see that he did even more miracles than Elijah. What a blessing! That is what each of us should want. We should desire a double portion of God's anointing to be on us for the glory of God. Is that what you want today?
Chapter 3 shows how the hand of the Lord was on the musician. (v.15) Was this musician as famous as Elisha or Elijah? No, he was not that famous. However, he could say that there was a time when God's hand was on him. Can you say that today? Is God's hand on you right now? If not, would you pray for God to place His hand on you, so you can have His power to live your life in a supernatural way? I pray that you would have that desire, and God would grant it.
Luke 24 tells about the resurrection of Jesus. The ladies made their way to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus, but they could not have moved the stone away. God did that for them. There are many things we can't do ourselves that are very important. We must act in faith, and rely on God to work those miracles. Then, the disciples on the road to Emmaus could not understand the resurrection until Jesus came to them and explained it to them. This was a special blessing, a special revelation, to them. How often we all need God's special understanding of things, or we just don't understand. Do you desire that special revelation for you? I pray that you will ask God for it. God will look at our hearts, and He will decide if you are worthy of His anointing. That is the ultimate blessing of life is to be used by God to do His will in His power and for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 4-6 and Luke 24:36-53.