May 13, 2006 - II Kings 17-18 and John 3:19-36
A divided heart is a terrible sin. A heart that is not set only on the Lord leads to many other sins. Therefore, God calls for us to have an undivided heart that is totally faithful to Him. He knows that is the only way for us to stay true to Him. This passage shows us this truth in no uncertain terms. I pray that God will speak to all of us about this today.
Chapter 17 tells us about the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel to Assyrian. The reason for the defeat was the sin of Israel. King Jeroboam led them to worship two golden calves, so that they would not return to Jerusalem and desire to be reunited with Judah. He did not want them to depart from God totally, but he did want them to change their worship from God's way. This led to all kinds of idolatry and their defeat and exile. The same is still true today, if anyone tries to add to God's word or to change God's word. It leads that person to have a divided heart, and eventually to ruin. The exile was an appropriate punishment since they had worshiped all of the idols. Now, they would live in strange places where there was no true worship of the One True God. Sin will always take you farther than you want to go.
Even when the Assyrians brought other peoples to Israel to settle in the place of His people, God sent lions to attack them. The result was that the Assyrians allowed a priest to come back and to teach them about God. God gave them a clear witness, but they still went on worshiping their idols. This is because they thought they could worship both God and idols. That is not possible. God is the Lord. He is the Only. He can't be lessened to just another god among gods. Therefore, God could not bless them. Don't try to worship God along with other things in your life. He is either Lord f all, or He is not Lord at all.
In chapter 18 we read about faithful king Hezekiah. He tried to make God the Only God in Judah. That was a great desire. However, when the Assryians came, he did not resist. He tried to pay them off. Maybe, he thought they would leave them alone, so they could worship God. The problem was that they would not allow that. The Assyrians mocked God. Satan will never let us just worship God and leave us alone. He can't stand for people to be true to God, so he tries to get people to recognize other gods and to lead them into sin. Don't think you can give Satan even an inch of space in your life. Resist Satan. Submit to God, and Satan will flee from you. That is the only way to deal with the Devil.
John 3 makes this point, too. People tend to love darkness, instead of light. We are drawn to the wrong things, but God comes to reveal Himself, so we can see that He is the only Way. Then, we must decide to set our hearts only on Him. John the Baptist came to reveal Jesus to the world. Then, when Jesus came, the people were confused at first. They wondered if they should keep following John. He said, "No." John told them that Jesus was the One He had been looking for. Jesus deserved all of their worship. He had to decrease until all they could see was Jesus. That is a wonderful truth. Life is all about taking everything away that competes with Jesus and allowing Him to be Lord of all in our lives. How are you doing? Are you decreasing? Is Jesus increasing in your life? Have you come to an undivided heart, or are you still trying to worship idols and Jesus? Just give Him all of the worship and praise.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 19-21 and John 4:1-30.
Chapter 17 tells us about the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel to Assyrian. The reason for the defeat was the sin of Israel. King Jeroboam led them to worship two golden calves, so that they would not return to Jerusalem and desire to be reunited with Judah. He did not want them to depart from God totally, but he did want them to change their worship from God's way. This led to all kinds of idolatry and their defeat and exile. The same is still true today, if anyone tries to add to God's word or to change God's word. It leads that person to have a divided heart, and eventually to ruin. The exile was an appropriate punishment since they had worshiped all of the idols. Now, they would live in strange places where there was no true worship of the One True God. Sin will always take you farther than you want to go.
Even when the Assyrians brought other peoples to Israel to settle in the place of His people, God sent lions to attack them. The result was that the Assyrians allowed a priest to come back and to teach them about God. God gave them a clear witness, but they still went on worshiping their idols. This is because they thought they could worship both God and idols. That is not possible. God is the Lord. He is the Only. He can't be lessened to just another god among gods. Therefore, God could not bless them. Don't try to worship God along with other things in your life. He is either Lord f all, or He is not Lord at all.
In chapter 18 we read about faithful king Hezekiah. He tried to make God the Only God in Judah. That was a great desire. However, when the Assryians came, he did not resist. He tried to pay them off. Maybe, he thought they would leave them alone, so they could worship God. The problem was that they would not allow that. The Assyrians mocked God. Satan will never let us just worship God and leave us alone. He can't stand for people to be true to God, so he tries to get people to recognize other gods and to lead them into sin. Don't think you can give Satan even an inch of space in your life. Resist Satan. Submit to God, and Satan will flee from you. That is the only way to deal with the Devil.
John 3 makes this point, too. People tend to love darkness, instead of light. We are drawn to the wrong things, but God comes to reveal Himself, so we can see that He is the only Way. Then, we must decide to set our hearts only on Him. John the Baptist came to reveal Jesus to the world. Then, when Jesus came, the people were confused at first. They wondered if they should keep following John. He said, "No." John told them that Jesus was the One He had been looking for. Jesus deserved all of their worship. He had to decrease until all they could see was Jesus. That is a wonderful truth. Life is all about taking everything away that competes with Jesus and allowing Him to be Lord of all in our lives. How are you doing? Are you decreasing? Is Jesus increasing in your life? Have you come to an undivided heart, or are you still trying to worship idols and Jesus? Just give Him all of the worship and praise.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 19-21 and John 4:1-30.