June 13 - Psalms 100-102
It is fitting that we should read Psalm 100 on a Monday morning. Most people have a hard time giving a joyful shout and singing early on a Monday. However, if we will just stop to consider who God is, just like this psalm says, we will have many reasons to be joyful. The key is the thanksgiving and the praise. To enter His presence our hearts must be thankful, and we must be praising Him. It will always do us good to begin the day in this way, even on a Monday.
David wrote Psalm 101 from his perspective as the king of Israel. I am not sure if he wrote it before his sin with Bathsheba or after, but I hope he wrote it after that part of his life. The reason I say that is that David exalts the mercy and justice of God. I hope he realizes that God has forgiven him and that God has done the right thing in correcting him and punishing him for his sin. I hope he is making the commitment to God to walk in righteousness the rest of his life and to keep his eyes from evil things. I hope his commitment to not endure unrighteous people in his presence or in his house is a decision to surround himself with godly people as his friends and advisers. I believe that is what David is doing in this psalm, and I believe that is the correct thing for anyone to do after being forgiven for a sin. God wants us to stay away from sin, so these commitments are essential.
Psalm 102 is a testimony of God's eternal nature and our temporary life on earth. We will live for a brief time on this earth, and there will be troubles and pain, but the eternal, loving Father is there for us. We must run to Him and know that He hears the prayers of the weak, which is all of us. We must come to grips with the brevity of life on earth. Then, we will put our trust in the Lord, so that we can live with Him in heaven for eternity. If you miss eternal life with Jesus, you miss the reason for life. Life does not have to be long to be meaningful. If you come to know Christ, your life is complete, because you have found the ultimate reality in the universe, and you will live with Him in heaven forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 103-105.
David wrote Psalm 101 from his perspective as the king of Israel. I am not sure if he wrote it before his sin with Bathsheba or after, but I hope he wrote it after that part of his life. The reason I say that is that David exalts the mercy and justice of God. I hope he realizes that God has forgiven him and that God has done the right thing in correcting him and punishing him for his sin. I hope he is making the commitment to God to walk in righteousness the rest of his life and to keep his eyes from evil things. I hope his commitment to not endure unrighteous people in his presence or in his house is a decision to surround himself with godly people as his friends and advisers. I believe that is what David is doing in this psalm, and I believe that is the correct thing for anyone to do after being forgiven for a sin. God wants us to stay away from sin, so these commitments are essential.
Psalm 102 is a testimony of God's eternal nature and our temporary life on earth. We will live for a brief time on this earth, and there will be troubles and pain, but the eternal, loving Father is there for us. We must run to Him and know that He hears the prayers of the weak, which is all of us. We must come to grips with the brevity of life on earth. Then, we will put our trust in the Lord, so that we can live with Him in heaven for eternity. If you miss eternal life with Jesus, you miss the reason for life. Life does not have to be long to be meaningful. If you come to know Christ, your life is complete, because you have found the ultimate reality in the universe, and you will live with Him in heaven forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 103-105.