May 9 - Job 20-21
Zophar speaks to Job for the first time in this passage. He delivers a strong message about how God destroys evil people. It seems to me that he is overstating his case because he feels rebuked by what Job has said to him and the other friends. This is a defensive response because he does not consider that Job is speaking very strongly out of his pain. We must always keep that in mind, as we try to help people who are hurt. We must not over react to their words. We must speak the truth in love. I think Zophar went overboard here.
Job then makes some good points, but they are ones that we often hear when a good person has trouble. Job points out that many wicked people lead good lives. They are not destroyed. Then, the question might be asked, "Why does God allow the righteous to be in pain, but the wicked get off?" The answer is two fold. First, the wicked will be punished in the end. They will not get off. Secondly, they are not God's children, so He is not allowing trials to come to teach them. He is simply trying to get them to believe in Him. If they don't respond, He does not force them, but He sometimes waits to judge them for their wickedness until after they die. This is God's option, and He is always hard on sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 22--24.
Job then makes some good points, but they are ones that we often hear when a good person has trouble. Job points out that many wicked people lead good lives. They are not destroyed. Then, the question might be asked, "Why does God allow the righteous to be in pain, but the wicked get off?" The answer is two fold. First, the wicked will be punished in the end. They will not get off. Secondly, they are not God's children, so He is not allowing trials to come to teach them. He is simply trying to get them to believe in Him. If they don't respond, He does not force them, but He sometimes waits to judge them for their wickedness until after they die. This is God's option, and He is always hard on sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 22--24.