Guard My Mouth, Lord

 David was a wise king. He was a disciplined believer. He knew that certain things were very important, if he was going to accomplish God's will. God had shown David over the years the importance of his mouth. He had found that when his lips spoke the wrong things, it caused him and others a lot of trouble. I think we have all come to recognize that fact. The problem is that it is one thing to know the mouth is a problem, but it is another thing to solve this problem. David had found the answer. (Psalm 141:3) When David spent his times with the Lord, He asked the Lord to set a guard over his mouth. He looked at his mouth as a door for his lips, and he asked God to keep watch over that door. Believe me, the Bible makes it clear that this is the only way any of us can make sure we do not have a problem with what we say. 

Words damage people. James told us in his book that the tongue if a fire. Fire can be used for good purposes, but it can also cause much destruction if misused. When we say the wrong things, we are misusing our words. That is a sin. Sin brings destruction and death. However, the reality is that none of us can tame the tongue by ourselves. It is only by God's power that we can manage to say the right things all of the time. We have to let God set a guard over our mouth and keep watch over our lips. His Spirit will warn us to stop before we speak. The Holy Spirit will give us the power to take every thought captive, so we do not say what we are thinking before we consider how to respond to that thought. Then, we can say the right thing at the right time, so all we say builds up the other person and helps them come to the truth, instead of error. I pray we all come to see this solution and put it into practice in our life, like David did.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 143-146.

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