Gifts Like Arrows

 Most of us get all kinds of gifts for all kinds of reasons. Each gift has a purpose. Some are for special holidays or occasions. Others are to say "thank you." Some gifts are just something nice and fancy for us to enjoy. Then, there are gifts that are useful. Just this weekend, I used one of my Fathers' Day presents. It was very useful. so that my chore was done quickly and with much less effort. The Bible teaches us that children are a gift of the Lord. (Psalm 127:3,4) They are such a gift that they are a reward from God. They are very useful, not to us, so much, but to God and the world. Children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior. I am afraid many people do not think of children in this way, but we really need to convey this message to others and put it into practice with our own children as we can.

Children do not belong to us. They are a gift God gives us for a while. Yes, I know it is hard to think about them going out on their own, but it eventually happens for most children. It is our responsibility to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We need to do our part to see them grow straight and strong like arrows. Then, we need to shoot them out on purpose to positively impact the world. We shoot them out with the love of Jesus and the message of the gospel, so their words and actions can touch those who need the Lord. Then, we have actually taken our gift of the Lord and made it a gift to others. We have multiplied the worth of the gift. See what I mean? What if all Christian parents knew these verses and had this purpose for their children? I can tell you. It would change the world for the better.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 130-132.

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