Humility and Wisdom

 There are two qualities that lead us to have a meaningful life that pleases God. These traits are not very prevalent in our world today. They are not found in our human nature. We have to develop these qualities by having a relationship with God. Then, He shows us how we should live in humility and wisdom.

Gideon won a fantastic victory over the huge army of Midian with only 300 men in his army. It was an obvious miracle, so the people wanted to make him their king. However, Gideon turned them down. (Judges 8:23) He said that he would not rule over them, nor would his son rule over them. The Lord would rule over them. What a humble, wise response!

Pride goes before a fall. Pride leads us into many sins. When we are proud, we do what we think is right. We think we are the authority and have great power. In reality God gives us the authority and power to do whatever we do. He deserves all of the credit for what we accomplish. We need to reject all pride and humbly admit to ourselves and others that we can't do anything without the Lord.

Then, as we bow to the Lord and ask Him to lead us, we make Him the Ruler of our life. We should not simply submit to others because we want a ruler. We should go to the Supreme Ruler and follow His instructions. He will show us His wisdom. Yes, He will show us how to follow our earthly, human rulers in His will, but He will be our Ruler, and we will gain our wisdom from Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 9-13. 

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