Going Above and Beyond
Many people have a huge problem. They only do enough to get by, and then they wonder why they don't have more of what they need. The problem is that other needs pop up in life, and if we don't work to provide more than enough, we fall behind. Those unexpected expenses will get us every time, if we don't go above and beyond the minimum of effort.
The tribe of Dan was a good example for all of the other tribes of Israel when they divided the land to each tribe. (Joshua 19:47) The border of their land went beyond the borders laid out for them, because the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem and took it. They struck it with the edge of the sword, took possession of it, and dwelt in it. They also decided to rename it Dan, after the name of Dan, their father. They ended up with more, because they put forth more effort than the rest.
It shouldn't take any of us very long to see that it takes a good amount of work to accomplish anything that is worthwhile. Those who think they can just sit back and take it easy will never see very much profit for their work. God created work for us from the very beginning. Work is good for us. God wants us to be like Him, and God is always working to accomplish His will.
God desires for us to have more than enough, but He is not just going to drop it in our laps. He wants us to be industrious and creative. Then, when we go above and beyond what He requires of us, it pleases God, and He blesses us more. That is a theme through the whole Bible, and we would all do well to live by this principle.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 21-23.