A Blessed Combination

 Isn't it wonderful when things work out the way they are supposed to work out? This is true for us as individuals, but it is even more true when we are talking about the success of an organization or a business. All of the people involved have to fulfill their roles well for success to be achieved. The leaders have to lead, and the others have to willingly submit to their leadership.

Deborah and Barak sang a song for the people of Israel after they had won a great victory over Jabin, king of Canaan. They started with a blessing to the Lord. (Judges 5:2) "When the leaders lead in Israel, when the people willingly offer themselves, bless the Lord!" We ought to bless the Lord when we see the leaders leading and the people willingly working under their leaders in our churches today, as well.

God calls some believers to be leaders. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to all of us, as Christians, and one of those gifts is the gift of leadership. We don't get to choose our gifts. However, God knows just what gifts are right for us, so our part is to use our gifts well. Those with the gift of leadership must use their gift for the good of the church for the church to accomplish God's mission for us well.

At the same time the people of the church with the other gifts must willingly offer themselves to use their gifts as directed by the leaders. Then, everything will come together by the power of the Lord to see people saved, lives changed, and the church built up. When that happens, God deserves all of the praise and credit. We need to bless the Lord for the victory like Israel did in their victory.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 6-8.  

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