Being All In

 It is amazing to me how difficult it is for most people to make a total commitment to anything. It seems that people want to reserve their options. I am sure it has a lot to do with the trust factor. People have a hard time fully trusting other people, even those who are called "experts" because they have been burned so many times. However, there are times when all of us need to go "all in."

When Moses met with the Lord, God gave Him commands for Moses to take to the people. Moses told them everything the Lord had said to him. (Exodus 19:8) Then, all of the people answered Moses together. They declared they would do all that the Lord had spoken to Moses. So Moses went back to the Lord to report what they said to him. I am sure the Lord was very pleased to hear their response.

God is totally trustworthy. Yes, I know we can't see Him with our eyes, so that makes it different from dealing with a human being. However, God does speak to our hearts. He does reveal Himself to us in various ways. It is possible for us to come to know Him by trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior, so we have a relationship with God. Once that happens we need to be "all in" with the Lord.

God has given us His Word, the Bible. It contains all the information we need to live the Christian life. It is not designed to hurt us, but to help us. It is not restrictive. It sets us free from the traps we might fall into if we do things on our own. Therefore, we need to make the same commitment that the children of Israel made. We need to tell God that we will do all that His Word says and all that He speaks to our hearts personally. Then, God can really bless us beyond what we can imagine.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 20-22.

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