Understanding Faith

 We use the word faith a lot, but I am convinced that many people do not really understand what it means. This is even true for some Christians. We have to put our faith in Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior to become a Christian. Then, we are to exercise faith every day, as we live the Christian life. We need to understand  the meaning of faith to really live like Jesus.

When Peter and the disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee in the dark of night, Jesus came to them walking on the water. It scared them, but Peter responded in a way that shows us true faith. (Matthew 14:28-29) Peter responded to Jesus, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." Jesus said, "come." So Peter got out of the boat and came toward Jesus, walking on the water. Let's see what we can learn from this account.

Peter knew that Jesus was Lord of all. He did not doubt that Jesus could be walking on water. He knew that Jesus had the power to enable him to walk on the water, too. However, He did not know if it was God's will for him to do that or not. Therefore, He asked Jesus to command him to come. Once Jesus gave the command, Peter had faith, and he climbed out of the boat.

Faith is hearing the word of God toward us and trusting that what God has said is possible. It is responding to what God has said. It is not simply "hoping" something will happen. It is not "wishing" hard for something. It is solid trust in what God says in His Word, the Bible, or when He speaks to us in our hearts. Then, when we hear from the Lord, we trust Him in it, and we see the Lord work to accomplish His will.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 15-17.  

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