To be Served or to Serve?

We have some basic choices to make about life. We can choose to do right, or we can decide to do the wrong things. We can choose to be good and kind, or we can be mean to others. Also, we have to decide if we will seek to serve others, or if we will try to get others to serve us. These choices make a huge difference in the quality of life we will experience.

Jesus decided to come to earth. He submitted to the will of the Father and accomplished all that the Father sent Him to do. (Matthew 20:28) When Jesus came, He did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. The Son of Man chose to do the best thing in life, and so should we.

Pride will lead us to think we deserve all of the comforts of life. If we allow that pride to well up in us, we will want to be served by other people in various ways. We will expect for things to be done for us, so that we do not have to work as hard, and we can have more leisure time for ourselves. We want to live like a king. That self-centered life, doesn't lead to joy and satisfaction.

Jesus came to serve others. He healed many and set others free from demons. Then, He gave His perfect blood to pay for our sins when He died for us. He provided the greatest service that anyone could ever provide, so we could have eternal life as a free gift. Now, we are to trust Him and to live for Him by serving others. This unselfish life leads to much joy and eternal rewards.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 21-24.   

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